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BetMGM login app Battle-tested, C2Core is trusted by militaries and governments worldwide, including the US Air Force Air Combat Command, US Navy, Air National Guard, USSTRATCOM, 16th Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, and New Zealand Defence Force.

Future conflicts will be more complex and dangerous than any time in history and will cross multiple domains at speeds which will overwhelm current processes and tools. We deliver pragmatic, customer-focused, command and control open architecture solutions to visualize key information quickly, transforming data from aggregate to actionable in support of near-real-time decision making — an asset critical to mission success and staying one step ahead of the enemy.

Command And Control (C2) Solutions

Our C2Core® solutions enable operators to react to the enemy faster than the enemy can respond to them. With integrated displays, custom alerts, an intuitive user interface, and integration capability with hundreds of fielded systems, C2Core® allows operators to assess, plan, and execute faster and more accurately than ever before. 

Explore our extensive suite of C2Core® solutions:


One database for full-spectrum situational awareness.

betmgm live dealer gameOur C2Core® All Domain solution delivers the only current option for full-spectrum operations by transparently combining all individual needs into a single integrated, actionable database. Our innovative software provides mission management, strategic assessment, and situational awareness to effectively address threats and project combat capability in today’s and tomorrow’s multi-domain environment.

With C2Core®, organizations have increased timeline flexibility—from strategic decision making to tactical execution.


  • Coordination of efforts across all domains
  • Strategy-to-task linkage with built-in assessment automation
  • Geospatial, temporal, and relational visualization capabilities
  • Integrated mission data search and query
  • Data sharing between All Domain component applications
  • Secured for operations on classified networks
  • Collaborative planning and execution with role-based user access permissions
  • Seamless multi-domain planning and execution
  • Remote access via browser for mission partners and executing units


In today’s complex theater of operations, maintaining mission control is key.

C2Core® Air, using the Strategy through Assessment workflow developed for C2Core®, provides strategy, mission planning and tasking, airspace planning and tasking, enhanced ISR correlation and target development, execution monitoring, and combat assessment capabilities that link requests, effects, operational guidance, and supporting tasks within a temporal and geospatial unified database environment.
C2Core® Air capabilities include scalability based on planning and execution needs and security levels, greater automation of the entire mission tasking and assessment process, and enhanced visualization tools to simplify and expedite product assessment and decision making.


  • Strategy-to-task linkage with built-in assessment automation
  • Geospatial, temporal, and relational visualization capabilities
  • Integrated mission data search and query
  • Single database shared by all elements of air operations centers
  • Secured for operations on classified networks
  • Collaborative planning and execution with role-based user access permissions
  • Scalable planning and execution
  • Remote access via browser for mission partners and executing units
  • Production of USMTF Airspace Control Order (ACO) and Air Tasking Order (ATO)

What Problems Does It Solve?

  • Planning Miscommunications: Coordinate missions via multi-domain web-based collaborative planning capabilities.
  • Inefficient Tasking: Decrease manpower requirements for the mission tasking and assessment process through decision aides and pre-mission shared coordination tools.
  • Lack of Data Visualization: Visualize plans, execution, and assessments to simplify and expedite product assessment and decision making.
  • Assessment Difficulties: Easily track completion of commander’s objectives for assessment of current operations and to inform future planning.
  • Challenges in Production of Tasking Messages: Generates ACO and ATO solutions faster using latest specifications that support next generation weapons.
In The News: Parsons Upgrades US DoD’s Airborne Mission Planning Software

Learn more about our JADC2 capability ‘C2Core Air’ and its recent update for the US Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) mission planning software. Read more.

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Space has rapidly evolved into a contested domain.

C2Core® Space is built on the operationally proven C2Core® enterprise platform, the foundation for our C2Core® Air and C2Core® Cyber solutions as well. Lessons learned over decades of working with operators have resulted in an intuitive user experience that accounts for the vast number of complexities involved in planning, tasking, assessing and re-planning in a time critical environment.

We have worked closely with space operators to seamlessly adapt these tools to the space domain and add support for generating key strategic artifacts including the Combined
Space Tasking Order (CSTO) and the Space Operations Directive (SOD).

It is critical to protect prized strategic assets in orbit and ensure access in future conflicts. A key enabler to our success in space is a comprehensive solution that provides space operators with overall situational awareness and facilitates the rapid execution of all phases of the planning cycle from strategy to assessment, enabling a swift identification and response to both routine and potentially threatening situations.


  • Battle Space Awareness
  • Dynamic Sensor Tasking
  • Course of Actions Planning
  • Space Order of Battle
  • Indications and Warnings
  • Offensive and Defensive Space Control
  • Course of Action Execution
  • Threat Monitoring and Response


Providing tactically relevant National Technical Data Management to the warfighter.

National Tactical Data Manager (NTDM) gathers non-military collected data including SIGINT, ELINT, HUMINT. Consequently, this allows the NTDM operator to make relevant information available to the warfighter on theater Tactical Data Link (TDL), IBS, and Link16 networks.

Unique data sources are collected, associated, fused, and transmitted by C2Core® NTDM using betmgm live casinoautomated processing rules (warfighter monitored) to support theater-specific information requirements. When used with a supporting Cross Domain Solution (CDS), C2Core® NTDM can transmit tactically relevant NTM information from JWICS to in-theater warfighters on appropriate networks.


  • Ingestion of data from multiple national feeds
  • Operator-defined data fusion to produce best of breed composite objects from multiple sources
  • On-site, flexible configuration to ingest new data sources
  • Flexible track dissemination to multiple IBS & Link16 networks
  • Ability to transmit using multiple Link16 track blocks
  • Visualization and analysis of real-time National and tactical
c2core interface


In any conflict, commanders require planning that follows their strategic guidance and, while executing those plans, provides situational awareness of the battle space.

C2Core® Cyber, using the Strategy through Assessment workflow developed for C2Core®, delivers command and control solutions for cyber operations by assisting cyber experts with creating, communicating, and carrying out a comprehensive plan for their virtual engagements. C2Core® Cyber delivers a vast array of capabilities, such as management of cyber ops at a single command location or with supporting nodes distributed around the globe. It generates cyber tasking orders based on mission plans and assigned cyber resources using a web browser interface while allowing the user interface to be tailored for cyber operators’ specific needs, such as cyber mission area or ops center team.


  • Collaboration between high-level HQ, cyber ops center, and unit-level cyber operators
  • Resource management of cyber units, equipment, and crews
  • Mission visualization for cyber ops
  • Cyber Tasking Order (CTO) generation in Microsoft Word
  • Linkage between CyOp and planned missions for automated assessment
  • Automated generation of reporting and execution products
  • Web-based architecture compatible with enterprise and cloud deployments
  • Support for all cyber ops center cells through intuitive, tailorable UI

C2Core® Cyber is a web-enabled and cloud-native environment that provides a continuous and dynamic planning and execution capability. This environment links Commander’s guidance, targeting, effects, Special Instructions (SPINS), unique supporting tasks, and assessment with temporal and geospatial unified databases. Additionally, C2Core® Cyber provides an integrated operations and intelligence model BetMGM Casino loginwith data tied back to commander objectives, visibility throughout effects chain, and assessment model’s built-in via capabilities developed on prior programs.


In any theater of operations, Tactical Data Link network planning is key to Joint Interface Control Cell (JICC) operations and network success. The OPTASK LINK message is a crucial part of this.

Network requirements continue to advance at a rapid pace, however, the creation of the OPTASK LINK Message has mostly been executed with antiquated, manual, and often flawed processes.

Also, C2Core®NetOps is designed to update and automate much of the OPTASK LINK production process and ensures resource allocations are accurate and deconflicted down to the unit level. No more unintended “duplicate track blocks” or “duplicate assigned IUs”. C2Core® NetOps also supports machine-to-machine interfaces making the tool fully capable of supporting Network Enabled Weapon (NEW) and Combat Net Radio (CNR)/Digitally Aided Close Air Support (DACAS) within the OPTASK LINK message. It is a web-enabled and cloud-native environment that provides a continuous and dynamic planning and execution capability. Lastly, C2Core® NetOps fills the gaps that currently exist today in OPTASK LINK message production and Tactical Data Link network execution by producing a MIL-STD-6040 compliant (B.1.04.02), valid and fully deconflicted OPTASK LINK message.


  • Create and publish multiple, fully deconflicted, OPTASK LINK (OTL) and OPTASK Link Network Enabled Weapons Supplement (OTLNEWS) messages in both text and XML (machine-to-machine) formats that fully support cryptographic modernization
    • USMTF (B.1.04.02) OPTASK LINK (OTL)
    • USMTF (B.1.02.02) OTLNEWS
  • Cancel or change previous OPTASK LINK messages
  • Create and save “DRAFT” OPTASK LINK messages for later publication
  • Create, modify, save and export a Data Link Network “Cutsheet”
  • Create and store Unit Data in a single location for retrieval
  • Add, modify, and delete unit Tactical Data Link capabilities automatically or manually
    • Auto-assign ranges by service and/or platform
  • Assign and manage fully-deconflicted Track Block assignments automatically or manually
    • Auto-assign ranges by service and/or platform
    • Assign and manage fully-conflicted Unit Reference Numbers (URNs) automatically or manually
    • Create, modify, import, export, and save Crypto Short Title List
      • Supports legacy and Crypto Modernization
    • Create, manage and display Network Filters
    • Manage network units BetMGM Casino loginfrom a single relational data base
    • Create multiple data bases to support exercises or additional theaters
    • Create and save multiple data link segments

Count On Us For Your Command And Control Solutions

For more than 30 years, Parsons has delivered cybersecurity and physical defense services that have protected our nation’s most sensitive information and critical infrastructure. This experience is enhanced by more than 70 years of experience in the design, construction and management of vital assets around the globe. We are a trusted partner to commercial organizations, and federal, state and local governments. Our team of OT/IT and command and control solution experts stand by to deploy leading professionals, processes and technologies to address the full spectrum of risks to your business.

For pricing information on our suite of C2Core®Command and Control products, please complete the contact us form.

Contact Our Sales Representative

*Parsons complies with all applicable Trade Compliance regulations. Some of Parsons products may require an authorization from the U.S. Government before they are exported.


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