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We have been making a significant impact on betmgm online live casinoeducation and community by providing scholarships to deserving college students for over a decade. Since 2010, we have awarded scholarships to 203 dependents of Parsons’ employees and have granted more than $1.9 million in scholarship funds to qualified students. This ongoing initiative highlights the corporation’s dedication to supporting higher education and fostering future leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), and other qualified majors.

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The Parsons Corporation Scholarship Program sponsors scholarships for dependent children of our employees pursuing studies in STEM or other qualified fields.

The Ralph M. Parsons Scholarship Award, created by an anonymous donor in honor of the corporation’s late founder Ralph M. Parsons and managed by the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU), is specifically for STEM majors enrolled at one of 16 private schools in California offering STEM curriculums. Recipients must have an above-average academic record and be actively engaged in their communities or extracurricular activities.

Celebrating Excellence

This year, we continue our tradition by granting $55,000 in scholarships to 11 exceptional students for the 2024-2025 academic year. We selected the recipients based on their outstanding academic achievements, community involvement, and leadership skills. To ensure impartiality in the selection process, we partnered with International Scholarship and Tuition Services (ISTS), a trusted organization known for its rigorous standards.

Voices From Our Winners

Theodore K. – SUNY College At Old Westbury

“This scholarship will help by lessening the financial burden of rising college costs and afford me more time to dedicate to my studies in Accounting. It is a true honor to receive this scholarship, and this award will motivate me to work even harder to accomplish my future goals. I am a true believer that when you work hard success is inevitable.” 

Leah J. – University Of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

“I’m pursuing a career in biomedical engineering and so grateful that this scholarship will help betmgm live casinosupport me on my educational journey. It’s wonderful that Parsons supports students pursuing STEM careers.”

Leonard V. – New York University

I’m a senior at NYU studying Computer Science with a focus on Cyber Security at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and will obtain my bachelor’s degree in Spring 2025. As a transfer student, NYU does not provide neither need-based nor merit-based aid, which caused a considerable amount of financial strain. Thanks to the Parsons scholarship, the strain is decreased, and now I can continue to stay motivated to work hard and focus on my research and studies.

Kaesi B. – Western Carolina University

“As a Biology (Pre-Vet) Student heading into my Junior year, this scholarship means a lot to me because I am currently enrolled in two colleges and have earned section leader of Purple Cymbals in my marching band. Having my tuition taken care allows me more time for studying and rehearsals. I am overly thankful for this opportunity; it will help me continue to succeed in my future college years.”

Muhammed Falih F. – University Of Georgia

“I am very grateful to receive this award from BetMGM Casino loginParsons because not only will it allow me to pursue my academic goals and career aspirations, but will also help me achieve my dreams that I am passionate about.

Heather G. – Western New England University

“I am thrilled to receive this scholarship as it brings me one step closer to completing my Bachelor’s Degree in Actuarial Science at Western New England University, allowing me to focus on my studies and excel in my final year before graduating in May 2025.”

Dalton W. – Brigham Young University-Provo

“Thank you! This scholarship award will help me pay for the tuition for my mechanical engineering degree.”

Luke W. – Havey Mudd College / Ralph M. Parsons Scholarship Recipient

“This award will significantly alleviate the high cost of college tuition, reducing the financial burden on my family. It allows me to concentrate fully on my studies without the need for a part-time job to cover expenses. Thank you, Parsons, for supporting my academic and career aspirations.”

These voices are just a few among this year’s winners who have expressed their heartfelt gratitude towards this invaluable opportunity.

Other recipients include:

  • Hamza Z. – Rollins College
  • Isak F. – Brigham Young University-Provo
  • Elina F. – Southern Virginia University

Looking Forward

We remain committed to supporting our employees’ families through these scholarship programs year after year. We believe that by empowering young minds today with opportunities for higher education, they are building a brighter future filled with innovation and leadership within critical fields like STEM.

Congratulations once again to all our winners! We look forward eagerly each year as we continue this tradition of excellence—supporting our scholars every step along their educational journeys while celebrating their successes together as one big family at Parsons!

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